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Saturday, December 10, 2011


Yes! Hello Misfits!
I CANNOT WAIT FOR HUNGER GAMES!!! If it weren't for Crossed i'd be so crazy! Oh and i'm writing a book. First paragraph on my blog but that post isn't too happy so just scroll to the last two paragraphs or so and you'll be good.
I hope your Christmas festivities are going swell. I'll insert some pictures of our decorations so far.

Our Advent Calender 

 Wreath i made

This is my present from my parents this year and i LOVE this Nativity collection

Nativity i've had for forever. 

Atop our TV to celebrate our wedding

 Jedi painted this for me and i LOVE it! AHA!

 We bought maybe two ornaments on this tree. The rest was donated by family. THANK YOU!


Grocery Haul: December 10, 2011

Weird Video Response I Did


Halloween Playlist

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Hunger Games

Hey Misfits! We need to officially plan our midnight viewing of The Hunger Games! It comes out on March 23rd. Matt does not leave for Basic until the 27th so he will be able to come, and I am almost 100% sure his dad and step mom will baby sit for us that night. I am So excited about it! :) So, please tell me you can come and then we need to decide what theatre and whether or not we would like to do anything else that day. I know the new Farmington Tinseltown lets you buy your tickets and pick your seats in advance, but I don't know if they let you do it with a new release. Let me know what you guys think! :)