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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dumb Quest

So here is the links so that it can be documented properly.

The Maze Runner

Zen Garden

Making Fun of Myself

And just an FYI, Quest decided to give me this lovely notice saying that my email services where being disbanded. So my email is what it was supposed to be in the first place. I don't know how much longer i will have access to all of the things that my email is linked to so if i could get an invite that would be lovely. Thank you for coming over the other day! Love you guys!

p.s. Kym. please add what makes you beautiful by one direction to the playlist when you have time. You guys should love it!  :) Here's a link to the song to test it!
One Direction

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New On YouTube __GO HERES *points at link* :D

Saturday, October 1, 2011

BEWARE! addiction is highly if not certain.

Go here. It's like a site to put links to other sites like blogs that have how to stuff and such.

For Kim look at baby stuff such as photo ideas, food recipes, and other stuff.


Amazing million recipes

Gender reveal cupcakes
home decor

For Keni look up college organization tips, fun crazy ideas, good reads, and any other stuff.
Glow stick lantern
how to make more room in college

For Matt... well... it's kind of a girl site unless you like crafts and looking at babies...
but this is cool!

My Goodness

Dear Misfits,
What would i do without the idea of seeing you guys soon? I don't really know why i feel stretched thin but for so long i've been angry all the time. Angry, stressed, depressed (poet?!) I figured i could post and it might help. Here goes!

I'm coming down for conference tomorrow (sunday) cause my parents want to
watch it with us which, consequently, means i won't get a nap. Bugger. I'll text you guys if Jedi wants to hang, i don't know if he'll want to though. He can tell i'm more Cascade then Bekah now a days. Anyway, Jedi said priesthood was really good. Can i just say that i love when he feels the spirit. Not that he isn't a good guy, but most excommies don't really walk around with waves of spirituality flowing from their pinkies. Today he came home and told me everything i needed to hear. I hadn't even told him some of thing things (I.E. feeling like we can't get over what happened in idaho, that it'll never be the same, that i took down a spiritual giant.) He says that we were so in tune with the spirit before we fell so that when we fell, we'd want to come back. He says it's not supposed to be the same it's supposed to be better. That kid. How would i do without him?
We got in a car accident. Jedi was turning leff off and off ramp and the other guy didn't stop for the red light so we hit him. However, 4,600$ in damage on our end while he doesn't have insurance makes me super on end. One day i will learn to fly and i won't need cars. It doesn't look too bad, but something about a wheel well. Plus we have a nice car.
Thats kinda all i got right now. Today i tried to walk home from school and passed out from heat exhaustion. He literally had to drive around looking for me when he found me on the ground under a tree. I guess wearing black and walking five miles in the sun isn't the best idea i've ever had. Love you guys.